Sometimes churches can be uncomfortable places. Often newcomers aren’t sure what to say or what to do. There is nothing complicated about our worship service.


Pastor Carol with children 1.jpg

Here is what a typical service looks like:

Everything you need to know is in the bulletin handed out by our ushers or projected on the screen at the front of the sanctuary. Communion is offered on the first Sunday of every month. At the United Methodist Church in East Greenwich, communion is open to everyone who wishes to receive it. You do not need to be a member of this church (or of any church) to be welcome at Christ’s Table. The communion elements are bread and grape juice, symbolizing the body and blood of Christ and reminding us that he is among us. In the bread, we are reminded that we are one body, the body of Christ. In the breaking of the bread, are reminded that his body was broken for us. In the cup, we remember his life and death, and his life among us even now.

Opening Hymn

Sharing of concerns and celebrations

Hymn or choir singing
Scripture reading
10:00 service has a Children’s Moment (Pre-K to 5)
Hymn or choir singing
Worship ends